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Parametererror: Audio Buffer Is Not Finite Everywhere

While using the following code on one of the sound files of Urban Sound Dataset, s, r = librosa.load(train_filename[7543]) tonnetz = librosa.feature.tonnetz(y = librosa.effects.har

Solution 1:

I recently encountered with this problem as well. The in librosa package has validation functions like this:

valid : boolTrueifall tests pass

    If `y` fails to meet the following criteria:
        - `type(y)` is `np.ndarray`
        - `y.dtype` is floating-point
        - `mono == True` and `y.ndim` isnot1
        - `mono == False` and `y.ndim` isnot1or2
        - `np.isfinite(y).all()` isnotTrue

and np.isfinite(y).all() is one of the validations. So if the numpy array y is not finite everywhere, which means y has INF, NaN or something similar, python will raise the exception above. Just check the numpy variables you used above and modify their infinite parts.

I hope this will be helpful to you.

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