Pygame- Detect If A Key Is Held Down?
So I am doing a simple thing, and have been following a tutorial on youtube. I have the ability to move the banshee (I used an image from Halo for my ship) using WASD, but I have t
Solution 1:
It's way easier to use pygame.key.get_pressed()
to check if a key is held down, since you don't need keep track of the state of the keys yourself with events.
I usually create a dictionary that maps keys to the direction they should move the object.
This way, it's easy to query the result of pygame.key.get_pressed()
You can use some easy vector math to normalize the movement direction, so you move diagonally at the same speed as along only the x or y axis.
Also it's easier to use a Rect
to store the position of your object, since pygame offers a lot of useful functions that work with the Rect
import pygame, math
from pygame.localsimport *
# some simple functions for vetor math# note that the next pygame release will ship with a vector math module included!defmagnitude(v):
return math.sqrt(sum(v[i]*v[i] for i inrange(len(v))))
defadd(u, v):
return [ u[i]+v[i] for i inrange(len(u)) ]
vmag = magnitude(v)
return [ v[i]/vmag for i inrange(len(v)) ]
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((1440,900))
screen_r = screen.get_rect()
background = pygame.image.load("G:/starfield.jpg")##loads the background# here we define which button moves to which direction
move_map = {pygame.K_w: ( 0, -1),
pygame.K_s: ( 0, 1),
pygame.K_a: (-1, 0),
pygame.K_d: ( 1, 0)}
banshee = pygame.image.load("G:/banshee.png")
# create a Rect from the Surface to store the position of the object# we can pass the initial starting position by providing the kwargs top and left# another useful feature is that when we create the Rect directly from the# Surface, we also have its size stored in the Rect
banshee_r = banshee.get_rect(top=50, left=50)
speed = 5
gameexit = Falsewhilenot gameexit:
# exit the game when the window closesfor event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
gameexit = True# if it touches the sides of the window, end the game# note how easy this part becomes if you use the Rect classifnot screen_r.contains(banshee_r):
gameexit = True# get all pressed keys
pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
# get all directions the ship should move
move = [move_map[key] for key in move_map if pressed[key]]
# add all directions together to get the final direction
reduced = reduce(add, move, (0, 0))
if reduced != (0, 0):
# normalize the target direction and apply a speed# this ensures that the same speed is used when moving diagonally# and along the x or y axis. Also, this makes it easy to# change the speed later on.
move_vector = [c * speed for c in normalize(reduced)]
# move the banshee# Another useful pygame functions for Rects
# we can use banshee_r directly for drawing
screen.blit(banshee, banshee_r)
Solution 2:
As a first go, try adding variables dx
and dy
to store the state of the keys
elif event.type==KEYDOWN:
ifevent.key==K_w:#moves banshee up if w pressed, same for the other WASD keys below
dy = -5
elif event.key==K_a:
dx = -5
elif event.key==K_d:
dx = 5
elif event.key==K_s:
dy = 5
elif event.type==KEYUP:
ifevent.key==K_w:#moves banshee up if w pressed, same for the other WASD keys below
dy = 0
elif event.key==K_a:
dx = 0
elif event.key==K_d:
dx = 0
elif event.key==K_s:
dy = 0
x += dx
y += dy
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