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Python Subprocess Arguments

For example I am using ffplay and want to run this command -bufsize[:stream_specifier] integer (output,audio,video) At the moment I have this:['ffplay', '-vn', '-n

Solution 1:

As JBernardo mentioned in a comment, separate the "-bufsize 4096" argument into two, "-bufsize", "4096". Each argument needs to be separated when is used with shell=False (the default). You can also specify shell=True and give the whole command as a single string, but this is not recommended due to potential security vulnerabilities.

You should not need to use string formatting where you have "%s" % url. If url is a string, pass it directly, otherwise call str(url) to get a string representation.

Solution 2:

This is the way to go:

url = ''
cmd = 'ffplay -vn -nodisp -bufsize 4096 '.split() + [str(url)], shell=False)

Solution 3:

While using shlex.split() is overkill for your use case, many of the comments seem to be asking about the use of spaces in parameters in cases where a CLI allows you to pass in quoted strings containing spaces (i.e. git commit -m "Commit message here").

Here is a quick python function that can be used to run commands including parameters with spaces:

import shlex, subprocess

defrun_command( command ):

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