Value Error While Feeding In Neural Network
Solution 1:
You're right, you just have to reshape your input values in order to make them compatible with the placeholder's shape.
Your placeholder has shape (?,41)
that means any batch size, with 41 values. Your input is, instead, with a shape of 41
It's clear that the batch dimension is missing. Just add a 1 dimension to your input and you'll be fine:
batch_x = np.expand_dims(np.array(feature.iloc[i, :].values.tolist()), axis=0)
Note that probably you have to add a 1 dimension to your batch_y
variable too. (for the same reason described above)
Solution 2:
Your data format is incompatible with the placeholder defined as
It is probably easier to reformat your data which you feed during training/evaluation. I don't see where you import it but you are going to need to either reshape or swap axes so that it has format (index, 41) and not (41, index)
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