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Count Words In A Column Of Strings In Pandas

I have a pandas dataframe that contains queries and counts for a given time period and I'm hoping to turn this dataframe into a count of unique words. For example, if the dataframe

Solution 1:

Option 1

df['query'].str.get_dummies(sep=' ')['count'])

bar      12
foo      16
super    10
dtype: int64

Option 2

df['query'].str.get_dummies(sep=' ').mul(df['count'], axis=0).sum()

bar      12
foo      16
super    10
dtype: int64

Option 3numpy.bincount + pd.factorize also highlighting the use of cytoolz.mapcat. It returns an iterator where it maps a function and concatenates the results. That's cool!

import pandas as pd, numpy as np, cytoolz

q = df['query'].values
c = df['count'].values

f, u = pd.factorize(list(cytoolz.mapcat(str.split, q.tolist())))
l = np.core.defchararray.count(q.astype(str), ' ') + 1

pd.Series(np.bincount(f, c.repeat(l)).astype(int), u)

foo      16
bar      12super10
dtype: int64

Option 4 Absurd use of stuff... just use option 1.

    query=' '.join(df['query']).split(),
    count=df['count'].repeat(df['query'].str.count(' ') + 1)

bar      12
foo      16
super    10
Name: count, dtype: int64

Solution 2:

Just another alternative with melt + groupby + sum:


bar      12
foo      16
super    10
Name: count, dtype: int64

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