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Data Csv Dashboard Python

With help from this foro I can create my Optimizator dashboard. Now, I need to make some changes. This is the code: import csv import datetime with open('prueba.csv', 'rb') as f:

Solution 1:

The real names are in your_list[0]. So change this line

print"item[%d]:" % (n+2,),

to this:

print your_list[0][n+2] + ":",

To save the output as a csv, instead of (or as well as) printing your data out, you need to save it so that you can pass it to csv.writer. Create a list called result, and for every row that you want to see in the output, do

row = [name, datetime.datetime.strftime(day,"%d/%m/%Y"), mylist[0][n+2],value[1], value[0]]

After you have finished building result, sort it on name:


Use csv.writer() to produce your csv file from this list, one call to the writer object's writerow() method for every row in result.

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