Determining The Filesystem Type From A Path In Python
Is there any portable way in Python (2.*) to obtain the filesystem type of the device containing a given path? For instance, something like: >>> get_fs_type('/foo/bar') 'v
Solution 1:
Thanks to user3012759's comment, here's a solution (certainly improvable upon but nonetheless working):
import psutil
def get_fs_type(mypath):
root_type = ""for part in psutil.disk_partitions():
if part.mountpoint == '/':
root_type = part.fstype
continueif mypath.startswith(part.mountpoint):
return part.fstype
return root_type
A separate treatment was needed for "/" under GNU/Linux, since all (absolute) paths start with that.
Here's an example of the code "in action" (GNU/Linux):
>>> get_fs_type("/tmp")
'ext4'>>> get_fs_type("/media/WALKMAN")
And another one under Windows (XP if it matters):
>>> get_fs_type("C:\\") # careful: "C:" will yield'''NTFS'
Solution 2:
Here is my solution. I tried to make it more generic for cases where /var/lib is a different partition. Some ugliness crept in the code as windows always has the separator at the end of the mountpoint, while this is omitted in linux. Which means testing them both
import psutil, os
def printparts():
for part in psutil.disk_partitions():
print part
def get_fs_type(path):
partition = {}
for part in psutil.disk_partitions():
partition[part.mountpoint] = (part.fstype, part.device)
ifpathin partition:
return partition[path]
splitpath = path.split(os.sep)
for i in xrange(len(splitpath),0,-1):
path = os.sep.join(splitpath[:i]) + os.sep
ifpathin partition:
return partition[path]
path = os.sep.join(splitpath[:i])
ifpathin partition:
return partition[path]
return ("unkown","none")
for test in ["/", "/home", "/var", "/var/lib", "C:\\", "C:\\User", "D:\\"]:
print"%s\t%s" %(test, get_fs_type(test))
On windows:
sdiskpart(device='C:\\', mountpoint='C:\\', fstype='NTFS', opts='rw,fixed')
sdiskpart(device='D:\\', mountpoint='D:\\', fstype='NTFS', opts='rw,fixed')
sdiskpart(device='E:\\', mountpoint='E:\\', fstype='NTFS', opts='rw,fixed')
sdiskpart(device='F:\\', mountpoint='F:\\', fstype='', opts='cdrom')
sdiskpart(device='G:\\', mountpoint='G:\\', fstype='', opts='cdrom')
/ ('unkown', 'none')
/home ('unkown', 'none')
/var ('unkown', 'none')
/var/lib ('unkown', 'none')
C:\ ('NTFS', 'C:\\')
C:\User ('NTFS', 'C:\\')
D:\ ('NTFS', 'D:\\')
On linux:
partition(device='/dev/cciss/c0d0p1', mountpoint='/', fstype='ext4', opts='rw,errors=remount-ro')
partition(device='/dev/cciss/c0d1p3', mountpoint='/home', fstype='ext4', opts='rw')
partition(device='/dev/cciss/c0d1p2', mountpoint='/var', fstype='ext4', opts='rw')
/ ('ext4', '/dev/cciss/c0d0p1')
/home ('ext4', '/dev/cciss/c0d1p3')
/var ('ext4', '/dev/cciss/c0d1p2')
/var/lib ('ext4', '/dev/cciss/c0d1p2')
C:\ ('unkown', 'none')
C:\User ('unkown', 'none')
D:\ ('unkown', 'none')
Solution 3:
import psutil
bestMatch = ""
fsType = ""for part in psutil.disk_partitions():
if mypath.startswith(part.mountpoint) andlen(bestMatch) < len(part.mountpoint):
fsType = part.fstype
bestMatch = part.mountpoint
return fsType
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