Importerror: Cannot Import Name 'stratifiedgroupkfold' From 'sklearn.model_selection'
I'm getting an ImportError when I try to use the StratifiedGroupKFold split from sklearn. I noticed to use it the nightly build is required and I've installed it, yet I get the err
Solution 1:
Rather than trying to install nightly version, I would go for installing from the source. See instructions here
BTW, I don't see any issues for me, when importing StratifiedGroupKFold
from the dev version
[ins] In [2]: import sklearn
[ins] In [3]: sklearn.__version__
Out[3]: '1.0.dev0'
[ins] In [4]: import numpy as np
...: from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedGroupKFold
[ins] In [5]:
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