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Is A Python Function Stored As An Object?

This query is in continuation with link to understand further on this point: In the case of functions, you have an object which has certain fields, which contain e. g. the code

Solution 1:

All this is saying is that, in Python, functions are objects like any other.

For example:

In [5]: def f(): pass

Now f is an object of type function:

In [6]: type(f)
Out[6]: function

If you examine it more closely, it contains a whole bunch of fields:

In [7]: dir(f)

To pick one example, f.func_name is the function's name:

In [8]: f.func_name
Out[8]: 'f'

and f.func_code contains the code:

In [9]: f.func_code
Out[9]: <code object f at 0x11b5ad0, file "<ipython-input-5-87d1450e1c01>", line 1>

If you are really curious, you can drill down further:

In [10]: dir(f.func_code)

and so on.

(The above output was produced using Python 2.7.3.)

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