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Is There A Good Numpy Clone For Jython?

I'm a relatively new convert to Python. I've written some code to grab/graph data from various sources to automate some weekly reports and forecasts. I've been intrigued by the J

Solution 1:

I can't find anything that's a clone of numpy, but there's a long list of Java numerics packages here - these should all be usable from Jython. Which one meets your requirements depends on what you're doing with numpy, I guess.

Solution 2:

Wilberforce is essentially corrrect.

However, I suggest looking at the Apache Commons Math library -- that would be a better choice for a replacement Java numerics package than any of those listed in wilberforce's answer.

Solution 3:

Incanter, a Clojure scientific/statistical computing library, uses the Parallel Colt Java libraries with great success: One route may be to start using the PColt classes in Jython, and slowly build up Python-esque bindings for it, as Incanter provides? (Let me know if you have interest in this.)

Solution 4:

There is a build called JNumeric available on sourceforge:

The sourceforge version has not had a release in a long time, but it seems like an updated version for Jython 2.51 is also available (have not tried it myself):

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