Listing Network Shares With Python
Solution 1:
May be pysmb can help
Solution 2:
For anyone still wondering how to list network shares at the top level on windows, you can use the win32net module:
import win32net
shares, _, _ = win32net.NetShareEnum('remotehost',0)
The integer controls the type of information returned but if you just want a list of the shares then 0 will do.
This works where os.listdir('\\remotehost') fails as '\\remotehost' isn't a real folder although windows can display it like one.
Solution 3:
Maybe the following script will help you. See
Solution 4:
I'm sure the OP has forgotten about this question by now, but here's (maybe) an explanation:
In case anybody else happens along this problem, like I did.
Solution 5:
Sorry. I'm not able to try this as I'm not in a PC. Have you tried:
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