Memoization Python Function
Here's a little piece of code which converts every function to its memoization version. def memoize(f): # Memoize a given function f def memf(*x): if x not in memf.cach
Solution 1:
Because when fib2
recursively calls
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
that is the original, un-memoize
d version; you only get the benefit of the decorator on the first call to fib2
, not all the recursive calls to vanilla fib
Here's what happens:
- When you call
, you are really callingmemf
, which - calls
in turn if the arguments aren't in the cache (as they won't be on the first call), then fib
, being recursive callsfib
. This is not the decorated versionfib2
, so all of the rest of the recursive calls aren't beingmemoize
If you call fib2
again with the same arguments, that will be returned from the cache, but you have lost most of the benefit.
You can create decorated functions in general using:
decorated = decorator(original)
but as your function being decorated is recursive, you run into problems.
Below is a demo example. Create two identical fib
functions, fib_dec
and fib_undec
. Modify the decorator to tell you what it's doing:
defmemoize(f): # Memoize a given function fdefmemf(*x):
print("Memoized call.")
if x notin memf.cache:
print("Filling cache.")
memf.cache[x] = f(*x)
print("Cache retrieve.")
return memf.cache[x]
memf.cache = {}
return memf
Then run:
fib_dec = memoize(fib_dec) # fully memoized
fib_undec_1 = memoize(fib_undec) # not fully memoized
print("Calling fib_dec(2)")
print("Calling fib_dec(1)")
print("Calling fib_undec_1(2)")
print("Calling fib_undec_1(1)")
print("Calling fib_undec_1(2)")
This will give:
Calling fib_dec(2) # fully decorated
Memoized call.
Filling cache.
Memoized call.
Filling cache.
Memoized call. # recusive calls all memoized
Filling cache.
Calling fib_dec(1)
Memoized call.
Cache retrieve. # previous recursive result cached
Calling fib_undec_1(2) # not fully memoized
Memoized call. # only one memoized call, recursion not memoized
Filling cache.
Calling fib_undec_1(1)
Memoized call.
Filling cache. # recursive result not cached
Calling fib_undec_1(2)
Memoized call.
Cache retrieve. # but original call is cached
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