Ndb Model - Retrieve Ordered Set Of Property Names
Solution 1:
To my knowledge, this isn't possible without parsing the source for yourself. Luckily, with python's "batteries included" mentality, this isn't too hard. You can use inspect
to get the source code and then you can use ast
to parse the source and order things:
import ast
import inspect
self.class_attribute_names = {}
defvisit_Assign(self, node):
for target in node.targets:
self.class_attribute_names[target.id] = target.lineno
# Don't visit Assign nodes inside Function Definitions.defvisit_FunctionDef(self, unused_node):
properties = model._properties
source = inspect.getsource(model)
tree = ast.parse(source)
visitor = NodeTagger()
attributes = visitor.class_attribute_names
model._ordered_property_list = sorted(properties, key=lambda x:attributes[x])
return model
c = 1
b = 2
a = 3# Add a _properties member to simulate an `ndb.Model`.
_properties = {'a': object, 'b': object, 'c': object}
print Foo._ordered_property_list
Note that the approach here is almost general. I used the knowledge that ndb.Model
s have a _properties
attribute, but that information could probably be gleaned from dir
or inspect.getmembers
so order_properties
could be modified so that it works completely generally.
Solution 2:
I'm just making this up, it's probably full of errors, but hopefully it starts you down the right path:
from google.appengine.ext.ndb import Property
result = []
all_fields = dir(ndbmodel)
for field in all_fields:
ifisinstance(getattr(ndbmodel, field), Property):
return result.sort()
Solution 3:
If using google.appengine.ext.db
instances have an attribute called creation_counter
, which is incremented each time a new instance is created. So to get a list of properties sorted in declaration order, you can do something like:
sorted(Foo.properties().items(), key=lambda np: np[1].creation_counter)
(where Foo
is an instance of db.Model
If using google.appengine.ext.ndb
Same thing, except the ndb.Property
attribute is called _creation_counter
, so the equivalent code would be:
sorted(Foo._properties.items(), key=lambda np: np[1]._creation_counter)
(where Foo
is an instance of ndb.Model
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