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Odoo 10 : Call A Confirmation Form (yes / No) From Wizard

I want to add to my purchase order a 'cancel' button. This button will change the state of my record to 'canceled'. When the user click on this button the script verify all the pur

Solution 1:

Well, this is what I wrote :

    def yes(self):
        print 'yes function'

    def no(self):
        print 'no function'

The 'canceled_progressbar' method return :

        print'canceled_progressbar'return {
            'name': 'Are you sure?',
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'res_model': 'tjara.confirm_wizard',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'target': 'new',

And I added two function according to the confirmation :

    def function1(self):
        print 'this function 1'@api.multi
    def function2(self):
        print 'this function 2'

I was wondering if I can make only one function but it seems like impossible.

Thank you all for helping.

Solution 2:

You can add:

confirm="Your Custom message like Are you sure you want to process this?"

in button in xml.

Solution 3:

You should return the Action directly from def canceled_progressbar method, instead of defining it separately.

Also, I don't think your method def return_confirmation will be able to receive the value the way you tried by returning either 'True' or 'False'.

Here you should directly add your code in the wizard based on the clicking 'Yes' or 'No' buttons, the one that you are planning in def return_confirmation.

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