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Pip Six.add_metaclass Error

A few days ago I started getting the following error when using pip (1,2 or 3) to install. * Traceback (most recent call last): File '/home/c4pta1n/.local/bin/pip', line 7, in &

Solution 1:

six 1.3.0 doesn't have add_metaclass. It was released in 2013 year. Really time to upgrade it.

Solution 2:

I found the answer to my issue. Apparently some linux versions have specific versions of pip and six that have to be installed through the distro package manager directly in order to work. There are some nuanced changes in how Debian makes use of pip, especially regarding updates, and they have coded these changes in to their package manager and not to pip. When I recompiled Python I had uninstalled the entire python framework and I went to the source url's to recombine python and to download pip and any other dependencies. I figured since I was installing directly from the source that it would be fine... If you are using CentOS, Debian,Redhat and maybe others, then you must install pip from the package manager that is managed by your distro in order to avoid running into this error somewhere down the line.

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