Python Embedding With Ipython: Windowserror: [error 193] %1 Is Not A Valid Win32 Application
Solution 1:
Problem indeed is related to msvcr90.dll. Way to solve it is to link the program against msvcr90.dll. However, to link against msvcr90.dll you need to have a manifest or you will get a runtime error. This manifest looks like:
which I extracted from python.exe with a text editor and named msvcr90.manifest
. This manifest is linked into the application using the resource file msvcr90.rc
#include"winuser.h"1 RT_MANIFEST msvcr90.manifest
which in turned can be compiled into an object file using:
windres msvcr90.rc msvcr90.o
Than, compilation of the program with this resource file and msvcr90.dll becomes:
g++ -I /c/prog64/Python27/include t.cpp /c/prog64/Python27/libs/libpython27.a msvcr90.o msvcr90.dll
where I copied msvcr90.dll from c:/Windows/winsxs/amd64_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.21022.8_none_750b37ff97f4f68b/msvcr90.dll
Input for this came from
- Manifest being ignored in mingw app
and a couple of other web pages which explained me how to do this.
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