Python Idle, Importing Xlrd, Error Generated In Debug Mode: Attributeerror: '_modulelock' Object Has No Attribute 'name'
Solution 1:
I thought I had the answer but evidently not. I imported openpyxl instead of xlrd, into the hello world code. Same error with the break-point on the same line. I was going to say "back to the drawing board", but I think I'll just work on something else. Very disappointing!
Solution 2:
This is probably a duplicate of this question, but I haven't answered there yet. This also appears to be a duplicate of this two year old tracker issue.. I recently found what I believe to be the answer but have not written a patch yet. There is a simple change needed that improved the situation, discussed in the last 3 messages of 4/22 and 4/23. In /Lib/idlelib/, line 173, in dict_item, change
value = repr(value)
value = reprlib.repr(value)
and add at the top
import reprlib
EDIT Jan 10, 2021: Changes have been applied for and will be in next releases of 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.
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