Python Web Services
Solution 1:
I'm not sure about an accepted standard, but I've found SOAPpy to be fairly straight-forward and useful library for handling SOAP-based web services.
SOAPy is a SOAP/XML Schema Library for Python. Given either a WSDL or SDL document, SOAPy discovers the published API for a web service and exposes it to Python applications as transparently as possible.
IBM provide a good walk-through and example on their site for getting started with SOAPpy.
SOAPpy's no longer under active development, but is instead being folded into Zolera SOAP Infrastructure (ZSI) at the Python Web Services Project. This project however has alos not seen much activity since November last year.
Solution 2:
Old question, but for anyone else who is asking this question I've had good success with suds:
Solution 3:
soaplib is very easy to use and seems to be active.
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