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Running Airflow Tasks In Parallel - Nothing Gets Scheduled

I just went through the process of configuring my Airflow setup to be capable of parallel processing by following this article and using this article. Everything seems to be workin

Solution 1:

I'm not sure which of these steps exactly solved my problem and I'm not sure exactly what the root cause of the problem was but I did this:

I literally just reset everything. First I shut down the webserver and scheduler using kill theirPIDs or ctrl + c if it's open still in the terminal. Then I deleted all the entries under /home/ec2-user/airflow/dags/__pycache__. Then I restarted the postgre database using sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart then I ran airflow resetdb. Then I reran airflow webserver and airflow scheduler. I went in the UI and turned on the DAG and voila it went into the running state and then worked successfully. No idea what was going on though.....

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