Using Pandas Read_csv With Missing Data
Solution 1:
Try this:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io
datfile = io.StringIO(u"12 23 43| | 37| 12.23| 71.3\n12 23 55|X| | | 72.3")
names = ['id', 'flag', 'number', 'data', 'data2']
dtypes = [np.str, np.str, np.str, np.float, np.float]
dform = {name: dtypes[ind] for ind, name inenumerate(names)}
colconverters = {0: lambda s: s.strip(), 1: lambda s: s.strip()}
df = pd.read_table(datfile, sep='|', dtype=dform, converters=colconverters, header=None, na_values=' ')
df.columns = names
Edit: To converter dtypes post imports.
df["number"] = df["data"].astype('int')
df["data"] = df["data"].astype('float')
Your data has mixed of blanks as str and numbers.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2 entries, 0 to 1
Data columns (total 5 columns):
id 2 non-nullobject
flag 2 non-nullobject
number 2 non-nullobjectdata2 non-nullobject
data2 2 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(1), object(4)
memory usage: 152.0+ bytes
If you look at data
it is np.float
but converted to object and data2
is np.float
until a blank then it will turn into object also.
Solution 2:
So, as Merlin pointed out, the main problem is that nan's can't be ints, which is probably why pandas acts this way to begin with. I unfortunately didn't have a choice so I had to make some changes to the pandas source code myself. I ended up having to change lines 1087-1096 of the file parser.pyx to
na_count_old = na_count
for ind, row inenumerate(col_res):
k = kh_get_str(na_hashset, row.strip().encode())
if k != na_hashset.n_buckets:
col_res[ind] = np.nan
na_count += 1else:
col_res[ind] = np.array(col_res[ind]).astype(col_dtype).item(0)
if na_count_old==na_count:
# float -> int conversions can fail the above# even with no nans
col_res_orig = col_res
col_res = col_res.astype(col_dtype)
if (col_res != col_res_orig).any():
raise ValueError("cannot safely convert passed user dtype of ""{col_dtype} for {col_res} dtyped data in ""column {column}".format(col_dtype=col_dtype,,
which essentially goes through each element of a column, checks to see if each element is contained in the na list (note that we have to strip the stuff so that multi-spaces show up as being in the na list). If it is then that element is set as a double np.nan
. If it is not in the na list then it is cast to the original dtype specified for that column (that means the column will have multiple dtypes).
While this isn't a perfect fix (and is likely slow) it works for my needs and maybe someone else who has a similar problem will find it useful.
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