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How To Unit Test Methods Inside Django's Class Based Views?

I need to test the methods and helper function inside a django Class Based View. Consider this Class Based View: class MyClassBasedView(View): def dispatch(self, request, *arg

Solution 1:

To use class based views in your unittests try setup_view from here.

defsetup_view(view, request, *args, **kwargs):
    Mimic ``as_view()``, but returns view instance.
    Use this function to get view instances on which you can run unit tests,
    by testing specific methods.

    view.request = request
    view.args = args
    view.kwargs = kwargs
    return view

You still need to feed it a request, you can do this with django.test.RequestFactory:

factory = RequestFactory()
    request = factory.get('/customer/details')

You can then unittest your methods:

v = setup_view(MyClassedBasedView(), request) 

Solution 2:

Update - available in Django 3.0

As stated in Sebastian's answer he got the code snippet from django-downloadview docs. In there they state:

This is an early implementation of

A few years later, this feature is now part of Django, as you can read in the docs, so you would just need to do:

from django.test import RequestFactory, TestCase
from.views import MyClassBasedView

class MyClassBasedViewTest(TestCase):
  def test_my_method(self):
    request = RequestFactory().get('/')
    view = MyClassBasedView()


The view.setup() method is precisely what was suggested in the accepted answer, but I think it is better to use the one from Django :)

Solution 3:

I solved this issue by doing MyClassedBasedView.as_view()(request)

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