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Pycharm Debugger Error

I am trying to run the pycharm debugger but he not working, for all my files (which he work for them last night) this is the erorr: C:\Python27\python.exe 'C:\Program Files (x86)\J

Solution 1:

I was stuck on the same issue for a while, but reading over these two threads at the developer's site made me find the issue:

In my case, it was because the Breakpoints setting had become incorrect somehow. To fix it, go to the Breakpoints menu by clicking here (or CTRL+SHIFT+F8):

enter image description here

Then set the settings to something like this. The top option Enabled was disabled in my case.

enter image description here

After this, it worked as usual in my case.



  • Pycharm 2017.1.1 professional
  • Python 3.5.1
  • Django 1.10

Solution 2:

Remove all set breakpoints and then retry debugging. To do this press <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+<F8> then select all breakpoints then click the (-) button. This problem can occur across multiple versions.

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