Trying To Get My Python Code To Ask A Set Number Of Questions And Then Stop
At the moment the code runs for an infinite amount of questions and never stops unless you select the exit option I included in but I want to get rid of it so it solely relies on t
Solution 1:
That's the solution:
import random
total_questions = 0 # make it global
def display_intro():
title = "** A Simple Math Quiz **"
print("*" * len(title))
print("*" * len(title))
def display_menu():
print("Choose your difficulty !")
menu_list = ["1. Easy", "2. Hard", "3. Spicy", "4. Exit"]
def get_user_input():
user_input = int(input("Enter your choice: "))
while user_input > 4 or user_input <= 0:
print("Invalid menu option.")
user_input = int(input("Please try again: "))
return user_input
def num_questions():
global total_questions
total_questions = int(input("How many questions would you like?: "))
while total_questions >= 0 and total_questions < 100:
print("Lets Go!")
print ("Please Try Again")
def get_user_solution(problem):
print("Enter your answer")
print(problem, end="")
result = int(input(" = "))
return result
def check_solution(user_solution, solution, count,):
if user_solution == solution:
count = count + 1
return count
return count
def menu_option(index, count):
number_one = random.randrange(1, 9)
number_two = random.randrange(1, 9)
number_three = random.randrange(10, 99)
number_four = random.randrange(10, 99)
number_five = random.randrange(100, 999)
number_six = random.randrange(100, 999)
if index is 1:
problem = str(number_one) + " * " + str(number_two)
solution = number_one * number_two
user_solution = get_user_solution(problem)
count = check_solution(user_solution, solution, count)
return count
elif index is 2:
problem = str(number_three) + " * " + str(number_four)
solution = number_three * number_four
user_solution = get_user_solution(problem)
count = check_solution(user_solution, solution, count)
return count
elif index is 3:
problem = str(number_five) + " * " + str(number_six)
solution = number_five * number_six
user_solution = get_user_solution(problem)
count = check_solution(user_solution, solution, count)
return count
def display_result(total, correct):
if total > 0:
result = correct / total
percentage = round((result * 100), 2)
if total == 0:
percentage = 0
print("You answered", total, "questions with", correct, "correct.")
print("Your score is ", percentage, "%. Thank you.", sep = "")
def main():
option = 0
total = 0
correct = 0
while option != 4 and total < total_questions:
option = get_user_input()
correct = menu_option(option, correct)
total = total + 1
print("Exit the quiz.")
display_result(total, correct)
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