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Using Beautifulsoup To Extract Text Between Line Breaks (e.g.

I have the following HTML that is within a larger document Important Text 1 Not Important Text Important Text 2 Imp

Solution 1:

If you just want any text which is between two <br /> tags, you could do something like the following:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, NavigableString, Tag

input = '''<br />
Important Text 1
<br />
<br />
Not Important Text
<br />
Important Text 2
<br />
Important Text 3
<br />
<br />
Non Important Text
<br />
Important Text 4
<br />'''

soup = BeautifulSoup(input)

for br in soup.findAll('br'):
    next_s = br.nextSibling
    ifnot (next_s andisinstance(next_s,NavigableString)):
    next2_s = next_s.nextSibling
    if next2_s andisinstance(next2_s,Tag) and == 'br':
        text = str(next_s).strip()
        if text:
            print"Found:", next_s

But perhaps I misunderstand your question? Your description of the problem doesn't seem to match up with the "important" / "non important" in your example data, so I've gone with the description ;)

Solution 2:

So, for test purposes, let's assume that this chunk of HTML is inside a span tag:

x = """<span><br />
Important Text 1
<br />
<br />
Not Important Text
<br />
Important Text 2
<br />
Important Text 3
<br />
<br />
Non Important Text
<br />
Important Text 4
<br /></span>"""

Now I'm going to parse it and find my span tag:

from BeautifulSoup importBeautifulSoupy= soup.find('span')

If you iterate over the generator in y.childGenerator(), you will get both the br's and the text:

In [4]: for a in y.childGenerator(): printtype(a), str(a)
<type'instance'> <br />
Important Text 1

<type'instance'> <br />

<type'instance'> <br />
Not Important Text

<type'instance'> <br />
Important Text 2

<type'instance'> <br />
Important Text 3

<type'instance'> <br />

<type'instance'> <br />
Non Important Text

<type'instance'> <br />
Important Text 4

<type'instance'> <br />

Solution 3:

A slight improvement to Ken Kinder's answer. You can instead access the stripped_strings attribute of the BeautifulSoup element. For example, let's say your particular chunk of HTML is inside a span tag:

x = """<span><br />
Important Text 1
<br />
<br />
Not Important Text
<br />
Important Text 2
<br />
Important Text 3
<br />
<br />
Non Important Text
<br />
Important Text 4
<br /></span>"""

First we parse x with BeautifulSoup. Then look for the element, in this case span, and then access the stripped_strings attribute. Like so,

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(x)
span = soup.find("span")
text = list(span.stripped_strings)

Now print(text) will give the following output:

['Important Text 1',
 'Not Important Text',
 'Important Text 2',
 'Important Text 3',
 'Non Important Text',
 'Important Text 4']

Solution 4:

The following worked for me:

for br in soup.findAll('br'):
    if str(type(br.contents[0])) == '<class \'BeautifulSoup.NavigableString\'>':
       print br.contents[0]

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