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Widget To Display Subprocess Stdout?

I have a python based tkinter script which executes some commands using subprocess module. I need to display the standard output on the GUI itself. Since I am new to tk (One week B

Solution 1:

You may want to use the Tkinter.Text widget, described here.

The description is quite long, but what you need to understand is mainly that this widget can be used as a buffer, as text should be inserted inside.

So, for each new line in the subprocess output, you will have to insert text where you want it. Example:

t = Tkinter.Text(root)
while some_condition:
    s = p.readline()          # get subprocess output
    t.insert(END, s)

EDIT Have a look here for getting subprocess output line by line.

You may also want to have a look to Tkinter.Scrollbar and Text.see() to tune the display.

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