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Django 1.8 Rc1: Programmingerror When Creating Database Tables

I'm using AbstractBaseUser for my user models in various projects. Updating to Django 1.8 RC1 works smoothly and I can run the migrate management command. However, when trying to c

Solution 1:

To copy the answer I got from the Django ticket mentioned above: Before calling "python migrate" to create the database layout, one needs to create a migration for the app that contains the custom user class:

python makemigrations appname

This creates a migration file within the app directory - et voilĂ , migrate does work and creates the other tables.

Solution 2:

I'm using:

./ makemigrations


./ migrate auth

and then

./ migrate

Solution 3:

I faced a very similar issue, complaining about relation "auth_group" does not exist however with Django 1.10.

The python makemigrations appname did not help me as well.

Even the python showmigrations was not working either, both of them raised the same error.

After examining the traceback in detail, I found out, that in one of my class-based views I was defining the queryset class variable in the following way:

Class SomeClassBasedView(ListView):
    queryset = User.objects.filter(groups=Group.objects.get(name='Tester'))

After changing this to override the get_queryset function intead, it was working properly.

Class SomeClassBasedView(ListView):
         return User.objects.filter(groups=Group.objects.get(name='Tester'))

Solution 4:

I've faced almost the same issue with Django 1.8, solved it only by running makemigrations app_name for the app with custom User model (+read below)


# some_app/ django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser


AND FOR EVERY app that contained ForeignKey, OneToOneField etc references to it, e.g.:

# another_app/ django.conf import settings
from django.db import models

    user = models.OneToOneField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

then migrate worked with no errors

the same approach works for any app containing extensions to django.contrib models, e.g. FlatPages etc...

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