Dutch National Flag Problem Running In O(n)
Solution 1:
What you show is a counting sort. Other non-comparison options would be bucket or radix sort that also have O(n) time complexity.
It's also possible to solve this problem with a comparison based 3-way partition function that uses compares and swaps with time complexity O(n).
Normally comparison based sorts take O(n log(n)) time, but the Dutch national flag problem doesn't require this.
The 3 way partition function can be expanded to handle a larger number of colors. The first pass separates the array into 3 sub-arrays, small, middle, large, then repeats the process on each sub-array to split it into 3 sub-sub arrays and so on. 9 colors could be done in 2 passes, 1st pass separates into small, middle, large, then 2nd pass separates each sub-array into 3 parts, which is also O(n) time complexity. For n elements and k colors, the time complexity is O(n⌈log3(k)⌉), but since k is a constant, the time complexity is O(n).
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