Executing Several Sql Queries With Mysqldb
How would you go about executing several SQL statements (script mode) with python? Trying to do something like this: import MySQLdb mysql = MySQLdb.connect(host='host...rds.amazona
Solution 1:
Here is how you could use executemany()
import MySQLdb
connection = MySQLdb.connect(host='host...rds.amazonaws.com', db='dbName', user='userName', passwd='password')
cursor= connection.cursor()
my_data_to_insert = [['maxim0', 'was here0'], ['maxim1', 'was here1'], ['maxim2', 'was here1']]
sql= "insert into rollout.version (`key`, `value`) VALUES (%s, %s);"
cursor.executemany(sql, my_data_to_insert)
Solution 2:
Call the executemany method on the cursor object. More info here: http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/MySQLdb.html
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