How To Edit Hostname File Using Fabric
Solution 1:
Fabric is just a SSH wrapper, so what you're looking at is LINUX specific, not frabric or python specific.
from fabric.api import run
run('hostname your-new-name')
run('echo your-new-hostname > /etc/hostname')
And just do a run(..edit..) according to your linux dist?
Or just do:
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
hosts = open('/etc/networking/hosts', 'rb')
for hostline in hosts.readlines():
ip, name = hostline.split(' ')
command = ['ssh', '-t', 'root@' + host.strip('\r\n ,;), '', "echo " + name.strip('\r\n ,;) + " > /etc/hostname",]
stdout, stderr = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
Note: /etc/networking/hosts might be placed somewhere else for you. The important part here is that you loop through the /hosts file, and ssh to each machine echoing the given hostname to that machine.
Solution 2:
function to change the hostname of the ubuntu server
server_hostname = prompt ("The Hostname for the server is :")
sed ("/etc/hostname", before='current hostname', after='%s' % (server_hostname), use_sudo=True,backup='')
sudo ("init 6")
This will change the hostname according to your choice.
Solution 3:
in your fabric script you'll need to...
ssh into the machine as a user permitted to edit the hosts file ( via permissions or groups ). if you need to
into a user, search StackOverflow for issues regarding sudo and Fabric -- you'll need to tweak your fabfile to not prompt for a password.fabric can have an awkward way to deal with reading/writing/opening files. you'll may be best off by
into the right directory. something like...with cd('/etc/') run('echo new_hostname hostname')
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