How To Plot A Hanging Rootogram In Python?
Inspired by this question, how do you make the same kind of plot in python? This plot aims at having a nice visual representation of how your distribution is off of the expected di
Solution 1:
The idea is to just move each bar of the histogram plot where the top of the bar is at the expected value:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
mu = 10
sig = 0.3
my_data = np.random.normal(mu, sig, 200)
x = np.linspace(9, 11, 100)
# I plot the data twice, one for the histogram only for comparison,# and one for the rootogram.# The trick will be to modify the histogram to make it hang to# the expected distribution curve:for a in ax:
a.hist(my_data, normed=True)
a.plot(x, mlab.normpdf(x, mu, sig))
a.set_xlim(9, 11)
a.hlines(0, 9, 11, linestyle="--")
for rectangle in ax[1].patches:
# expected value in the middle of the bar
exp = mlab.normpdf(rectangle.get_x() + rectangle.get_width()/2., mu, sig)
# difference to the expected value
diff = exp - rectangle.get_height()
ax[1].plot(rectangle.get_x() + rectangle.get_width()/2., exp, "ro")
ax[1].set_title("hanging rootogram")
Which gives:
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