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Python To Search Csv File And Return Relevant Info

I have a csv file with information about some computers on our network. I'd like to be able to type from the command line a quick line to bring me back the relevant items from the

Solution 1:

Instead of testing if your input string is in the line, test if your input string is in any of the columns. The any() function is ideally suited for that:

if any(search_1 in col for col in line):

To break this down a little: each line in your csv.reader() iterable is itself a list of columns, you can loop over these. for col in line does just that. We test if search_1 is present in each column with search_1 in col, and any() will execute the loop until it finds a column where search_1 in col is True, in which case it stops iterating over the loop and returns True itself. If no match was found False is returned instead.

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