Why Does The Get() Operation In Multiprocessing.pool.map_async Take So Long?
Solution 1:
Am I doing something wrong here?
Do not panic, many users do the very same - Paid more than received.
This is a common lecture not on using some "promising" syntax-constructor, but on paying the actual costs for using it.
The story is long, the effect was straightforward - you expected a low hanging fruit, but had to pay an immense cost of process-instantiation, work-package re-distribution and for collection of results, all that circus just for doing but a few rounds of func()
Wow?Stop!Parallelisation was brought to me that will SPEEDUP processing?!?
Well, who told you that any such ( potential ) speedup is for free?
Let's be quantitative and rather measure the actual code-execution time, instead of emotions, right?
Benchmarking is always a fair move. It helps us, mortals, to escape from just expectations and get ourselves into quantitative records-of-evidence supported knowledge:
from zmq import Stopwatch; aClk = Stopwatch() # thisis a handy tool to do so
AS-IS test:
Before moving forwards, one ought record this pair:
>>>aClk.start(); _ = [ func( SEQi ) for SEQi in inp ]; aClk.stop() # [SEQ] >>>HowMuchWillWePAY2RUN( func, 4, 100 ) # [RUN]>>>HowMuchWillWePAY2MAP( func, 4, 100 ) # [MAP]
This will set the span among the performance envelopes from a pure-[SERIAL]
[SEQ]-of-calls, to an un-optimised joblib.Parallel()
or any other, if one wishes to extend the experiment with any other tools, like a said multiprocessing.Pool()
or other.
Test-case A:
Intent: so as to measure the cost of a { process | job }-instantiation, we need a NOP-work-package payload, that will spend almost nothing "there" but return "back" and will not require to pay any additional add-on costs ( be it for any input parameters' transmissions or returning any value )
defa_NOP_FUN( aNeverConsumedPAR ):
""" __doc__
The intent of this FUN() is indeed to do nothing at all,
so as to be able to benchmark
all the process-instantiation
add-on overhead costs.
So, the setup-overhead add-on costs comparison is here:
#-------------------------------------------------------<function a_NOP_FUN
[SEQ]-pure-[SERIAL] worked within ~ 37 .. 44[us] on this localhost
[MAP]-just-[CONCURENT] tool 2536 .. 7343[us][RUN]-just-[CONCURENT] tool 111162 .. 112609[us]
Using a strategy ofjoblib.delayed()
on joblib.Parallel()
defHowMuchWillWePAY2RUN( aFun2TEST = a_NOP_FUN, JOBS_TO_SPAWN = 4, RUNS_TO_RUN = 10):
from zmq import Stopwatch; aClk = Stopwatch()
joblib.Parallel( n_jobs = JOBS_TO_SPAWN
)( joblib.delayed( aFun2TEST )
( aFunPARAM )
for ( aFunPARAM )
inrange( RUNS_TO_RUN )
_ = aClk.stop()
_ = -1passpass; pMASK = "CLK:: {0:_>24d} [us] @{1: >4d}-JOBs ran{2: >6d} RUNS {3:}"print( pMASK.format( _,
" ".join( repr( aFun2TEST ).split( " ")[:2] )
Using a strategy of a lightweight.map_async()
method on a multiprocessing.Pool()
from zmq import Stopwatch; aClk = Stopwatch()
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
pool = mp.Pool( processes = PROCESSES_TO_SPAWN )
inp = np.linspace( 0.01, 1.99, 100 )
for i in xrange( RUNS_TO_RUN ):
pass; result = pool.map_async( aFun2TEST, inp )
output = result.get()
_ = aClk.stop()
_ = -1passpass; pMASK = "CLK:: {0:_>24d} [us] @{1: >4d}-PROCs ran{2: >6d} RUNS {3:}"print( pMASK.format( _,
" ".join( repr( aFun2TEST ).split( " ")[:2] )
the first set of pain and surprises
comes straight at the actual cost-of-doing-NOTHING in a concurrent pool of joblib.Parallel()
CLK:: __________________117463 [us] @ 4-JOBs ran 10 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________111182 [us] @ 3-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________110229 [us] @ 3-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________110095 [us] @ 3-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________111794 [us] @ 3-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________110030 [us] @ 3-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________110697 [us] @ 3-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: _________________4605843 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________336208 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________298816 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________355492 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________320837 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________308365 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________372762 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________304228 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________337537 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 100 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________941775 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 10000 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: __________________987440 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 10000 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: _________________1080024 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 10000 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: _________________1108432 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran 10000 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
CLK:: _________________7525874 [us] @ 123-JOBs ran100000 RUNS <function a_NOP_FUN
So, this scientifically fair and rigorous test started from this simplest ever case, already showing the benchmarked costs of all the associated code-execution processing setup-overheads a smallest everjoblib.Parallel()
penalty sine-qua-non.
This forwards us into a direction, where real-world algorithms do live - best with next adding some larger and larger "payload"-sizes into the testing loop.
Now, we know the penaltyfor going into a "just"-[CONCURRENT]
code-execution - and next?
Using this systematic and lightweight approach, we may go forwards in the story, as we will need to also benchmark the add-on costs and other Amdahl's Law indirect effects of { remote-job-PAR-XFER(s) | remote-job-MEM.alloc(s) | remote-job-CPU-bound-processing | remote-job-fileIO(s) }
A function template like this may help in re-testing ( as you see there will be a lot to re-run, while the O/S noise and some additional artifacts will step into the actual cost-of-use patterns ):
Test-case B:
Once we have paid the up-front cost, the next most common mistake is to forget the costs of memory allocations. So, lets test it:
defa_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATOR( aNeverConsumedPAR, SIZE1D = 1000):
""" __doc__
The intent of this FUN() is to do nothing but
a MEM-allocation
so as to be able to benchmark
all the process-instantiation
add-on overhead costs.
"""import numpy as np # yes, deferred import, libs do defer imports
aMemALLOC = np.zeros( ( SIZE1D, # so as to set
SIZE1D, # realistic ceilings
SIZE1D, # as how big the "Big Data"
SIZE1D # may indeed grow into
dtype = np.float64,
order = 'F'
) # .ALLOC + .SET
aMemALLOC[2,3,4,5] = 8.7654321# .SET
aMemALLOC[3,3,4,5] = 1.2345678# .SETreturn aMemALLOC[2:3,3,4,5]
In case your platform will stop to be able to allocate the requested memory-blocks, there we head-bang into another kind of problems ( with a class of hidden glass-ceilings if trying to go-parallel in a physical-resources agnostic manner ). One may edit the SIZE1D
scaling, so as to at least fit into the platform RAM addressing / sizing capabilites, yet, the performance envelopes of the real-world problem computing are still of our great interest here:
may yield
a cost-to-pay, being anything between 0.1 [s]
and +9 [s]
just for doing STILL NOTHING, but now also without forgetting about some realistic MEM-allocation add-on costs "there"
CLK::__________________116310 [us] @4-JOBsran10RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________120054 [us] @4-JOBsran10RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________129441 [us] @10-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________123721 [us] @10-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________127126 [us] @10-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________124028 [us] @10-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________305234 [us] @100-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________243386 [us] @100-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________241410 [us] @100-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________267275 [us] @100-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________244207 [us] @100-JOBsran100RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________653879 [us] @100-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________405149 [us] @100-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________351182 [us] @100-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________362030 [us] @100-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::_________________9325428 [us] @200-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________680429 [us] @200-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________533559 [us] @200-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::_________________1125190 [us] @200-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATORCLK::__________________591109 [us] @200-JOBsran1000 RUNS<functiona_NOP_FUN_WITH_JUST_A_MEM_ALLOCATOR
Test-case C:
kindly read the tail sections of this post
Test-case D:
kindly read the tail sections of this post
For each and every "promise", the fair best next step is first to cross-validate the actual code-execution costs, before starting any code re-engineering. The sum of real-world platform's add-on costs may devastate any expected speedups, even if the original, overhead-naive Amdahl's Law might have created some expected speedup-effects.
As Mr. Walter E. Deming has expressed many times, without DATA we make ourselves left to just OPINIONS.
A bonus part:
having read as far as here, one might already found, that there is not any kind of "drawback" or "error" in the #Line2
per se, but the carefull design practice will show any better syntax-constructor, that spend less to achieve more ( as actual resources ( CPU, MEM, IOs, O/S ) permit on the code-execution platform ). Anything else is not principally different from a just blind telling Fortune.
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