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Finding Certain Child In Wxtreectrl And Updating Treectrl In Wxpython

How can I check if a certain root in a wx.TreeCtrl object has a certain child or not? I am writing manual functions to update TreeCtrl every time a child is added by user.Is there

Solution 1:

You might want to consider storing the data in some other easily-searchable structure, and using the TreeCtrl just to display it. Otherwise, you can iterate over the children of a TreeCtrl root item like this:

defitem_exists(tree, match, root):
    item, cookie = tree.GetFirstChild(root)

    while item.IsOk():
        if tree.GetItemText(item) == match:
            returnTrue#if tree.ItemHasChildren(item):#    if item_exists(tree, match, item):#        return True
        item, cookie = tree.GetNextChild(root, cookie)

result = item_exists(tree, 'some text', tree.GetRootItem())

Uncommenting the commented lines will make it a recursive search.

Solution 2:

A nicer way to handle recursive tree traversal is to wrap it in a generator object, which you can then re-use to perform any operation you like on your tree nodes:

    """ a generator that recursively yields child nodes of a wx.TreeCtrl """
    item, cookie = tree.GetFirstChild(root)
    while item.IsOk():
        yield item
        if tree.ItemHasChildren(item):
        item,cookie = tree.GetNextChild(root,cookie)

for node in walk_branches(my_tree,my_root):
    # do stuff

Solution 3:

For searching by text without recursion :

def GetItemByText(self, search_text, tree_ctrl_instance):
        retval = None
        root_list = [tree_ctrl_instance.GetRootItem()]
        for root_child in root_list:
            item, cookie = tree_ctrl_instance.GetFirstChild(root_child)
            while item.IsOk():
                if tree_ctrl_instance.GetItemText(item) == search_text:
                    retval = item
                if tree_ctrl_instance.ItemHasChildren(item):
                item, cookie = tree_ctrl_instance.GetNextChild(root_child, cookie)
        return retval

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