How Does Numpy Multiply Matrices Of Complex Numbers?
I've been trying to figure out the algorithm behind NumPy's matrix multiplication for complex numbers: import numpy as np A = np.array([[17.+0.j, -3.+0.j], [-7.+0.j,
Solution 1:
When you compute A*B
it's actually multiplying the matrices elementwise, giving you what is called the hadamard product. It isn't matmul. For example (17.+0.j) * (60.+0.j) = 1020.+0.j
, which is the first element in the output. For matrix multiplication use
or simply the @
operator, ie, A@B
Solution 2:
Found it! It seems NumPy uses np.multiply()
(element-wise multiplication), hence the different results.
Here is a naive implementation of this function using for
defnp_multiply(X, Y):
height = X.shape[0]
width = X.shape[1]
output = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.complex128)
for i inrange(height):
for j inrange(width):
output[i,j] = X[i, j] * Y[i, j]
return output
This post has an interesting discussion on its performance.
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