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How To Truncate All Strings In A List To A Same Length, In Some Pythonic Way?

Let's say we have a list such as: g = ['123456789123456789123456', '1234567894678945678978998879879898798797', '6546546564656565656565655656565655656'] I need the firs

Solution 1:

Use a list comprehension:

g2 = [elem[:12] for elem in g]

If you prefer to edit g in-place, use the slice assignment syntax with a generator expression:

g[:] = (elem[:12] for elem in g)


>>> g = ['abc', 'defg', 'lolololol']
>>> g[:] = (elem[:2] for elem in g)
>>> g
['ab', 'de', 'lo']

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

Another option is to use map(...) :

b = map(lambda x: x[:9],g)

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