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How To Use Multinomial Logistic Regression For Multilabel Classification Problem?

I have to predict the type of program a student is in based on other attributes. prog is a categorical variable indicating what type of program a student is in: “General” (1),

Solution 1:

As such, LogisticRegression does not handle multiple targets. But this is not the case with all the model in Sklearn. For example, all tree based models (DecisionTreeClassifier) can handle multi-output natively.

To make this work for LogisticRegression, you need a MultiOutputClassifier wrapper.


import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import make_multilabel_classification
from sklearn.multioutput import MultiOutputClassifier
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

X, y = make_multilabel_classification(n_classes=3, random_state=0)
clf = MultiOutputClassifier(estimator= LogisticRegression()).fit(X, y)

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