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Return A Dictionary With Keys For A Given Dictionary's Values And Vice Versa

How would I, in a function, create a dictionary who's keys are a given dictionary's values, and vice versa, where the given dictionary has multiple values per key? For example, giv

Solution 1:


{letter: [key forkeyin d if letter in d[key]] forletterinset(letter forkeyin d forletterin d[key])}

Explanation: set(letter for key in d for letter in d[key]) is a set of all letters that appears in the original dict. Then we make a new dict, in which every entry is letter: [key for key in d if letter in d[key]], which means one of the letters, mapping to a list of numbers that mapped to it in the original dict.

Solution 2:

Easy using collections.defaultdict() which defaults as list

  • loop on the sorted key/value couple
  • inner loop on the value items
  • for each value item, create/update list with original dict key


import collections

d3 = collections.defaultdict(list)

for k,v insorted(d.items()):
    for vi in v:
        d3[vi].append(k)  # create list or append to existing listprint(dict(d3))


{'b': ['1', '2'], 'd': ['3'], 'c': ['2', '3'], 'a': ['1', '2']}

Solution 3:

data = [(key, value) forkey, values in d.items() for value in values]
d2 = defaultdict(list)

for value, keyin data:
    print(key, value)

Solution 4:

Here is a solution I found 5 years ago

from operatorimport itemgetter
from itertools import groupby
d = {'1': ['a', 'c'],'2': ['a', 'b', 'c'], '3': ['b']}
d2 = {x: [t[1] for t in group] for (x, group) in  groupby(sorted(((j, k) for k, v in d.items() for j in v), key=itemgetter(0)), key=itemgetter(0))}
# {'a': ['1', '2'], 'c': ['1', '2'], 'b': ['2', '3']}

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