The Order Of Scrapy Crawling Urls With Long Start_urls List And Urls Yiels From Spider
Solution 1:
First of all, please see this thread - I think you'll find all the answers there.
the order of the urls used by downloader? Will the requests made by just_test1,just_test2 be used by downloader only after the all start_urls are used?(I have made some tests, it seems that the answer is No)
You are right, the answer is No
. The behavior is completely asynchronous: when the spider starts, start_requests
method is called (source):
for url inself.start_urls:yieldself.make_requests_from_url(url)
defmake_requests_from_url(self, url):
return Request(url, dont_filter=True)
What decides the order? Why and How is this order? How can we control it?
By default, there is no pre-defined order - you cannot know when Requests
from make_requests_from_url
will arrive - it's asynchronous.
See this answer on how you may control the order.
Long story short, you can override start_requests
and mark yielded Requests
with priority
key (like yield Request(url, meta={'priority': 0})
). For example, the value of priority
can be the line number where the url was found.
Is this a good way to deal with so many urls which are already in a file? What else?
I think you should read your file and yield urls directly in start_requests
method: see this answer.
So, you should do smth like this:
with, u"r", encoding=u"GB18030") as f:
for index, line inenumerate(f):
url = line.strip()
yield Request(url, meta={'priority': index})
Hope that helps.
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