Cannot Find Or
Solution 1:
In App Engine launcher there is a menu option called "Make Symlinks..." that adds symlinks for the various App Engine utility commands, like
Solution 2:
This is how my path dir looks like: Home/Brice/google_projects/google_appengine
I store both the google_appengine and my google_apps in my google_projects folder
In terminal: (While in my google_projects folder)
upload to localhost:
google_appengine/ appname
upload to GAE:
google_appengine/ update appname
and replace appname with the name of your app folder
Hope that helps!
Solution 3:
If someone (like me) comes across this more recently due to
still appearing frequently in the documentation:
0.9.68 (2015/07/08)
- The standalone App Engine SDKs are no longer distributed through the Cloud SDK.
- App Engine functionality can still be used through the
gcloud preview app
command group.- [...]
- If you need to use appcfg or dev_appserver directly, these are still available in the App Engine SDK downloads that can be found here:
(from google-cloud-sdk/RELEASE_NOTES
Solution 4:
Try: ./
Current dir is usually not part of path.
Solution 5:
If is not in a directory specified in the PATH environment variable and marked executable it wont execute by calling its plain name.
when in doubt the following should always work:
python /path/to/ <your arguments>
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