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Count Unique Weekdays From Timestamp Column In Dataframe In Python

I would like to count how many unique weekdays exist in timestamp. Here's an input and I want output to be 4(since 8/5 and 8/6 are weekends). captureTime 0 8/1/2017 0:05 1

Solution 1:

Using np.is_busday:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame( {
    'captureTime':[ '8/1/2017 0:05', '8/2/2017 0:05', '8/3/2017 0:05', 
                    '8/4/2017 0:05', '8/5/2017 0:05', '8/6/2017 0:05']})
df['captureTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['captureTime'])




Above, all business days are counted once. If you wish to count identical datetimes only once, you could use


Or, if you wish to remove datetimes that have identical date components, convert to datetime64[D] dtype before calling np.unique:


Solution 2:

One way is pandas series.dt.weekday

df['captureTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['captureTime'])

It returns 4

You can use boolean indexing in case you need to capture the dates

df[df['captureTime'].dt.weekday.isin([0,1,2,3,4])]captureTime02017-08-01 00:05:0012017-08-02 00:05:0022017-08-03 00:05:0032017-08-04 00:05:00

Solution 3:

Convert to date time using pd.to_datetime, get the unique dayofweek list, and count all those under 5.

out= (df.captureTime.apply(pd.to_datetime).dt.dayofweek.unique() <5).sum()


df.unique removes duplicates, leaving you with a unique array of daysofweek, on which count occurrences under 5 (0 - 4 -> weekdays).

Output of df.dayofweek:

out = df.captureTime.apply(pd.to_datetime).dt.dayofweek

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    5
5    6
Name: captureTime, dtype: int64

Solution 4:

Assuming you have captureTime as datetime object you can do this,

s = df['captureTime'].dt.weekday s[s >= 5].count() # 5, 6 corresponds to saturday, sunday

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