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Multivariate Outlier Removal With Mahalanobis Distance

I have this data which have outlier . How can i find Mahalanobis disantance and use it to remove outlier.

Solution 1:

Let me first put some general guidelines:

  1. Practically speaking, if you have a lot of features and lesser samples, Mahalanobis algorithm tends to give misleading results (you can try it yourself), so the more features you have, the more samples you should provide.
  2. The covariance matrix must be Symmetric and Positive Definite to make the algorithm works, so you should check before proceeding.

As it's already mentioned, Euclidean Metric fails to find the correct distance because it tries to get ordinary straight-line distance. Thus, if we have multi-dimensional space of variables, two points may look to have the same distance from the Mean, yet one of them is far away from the data cloud (i.e. it's an outlier).


The solution is Mahalanobis Distance which makes something similar to the feature scaling via taking the Eigenvectors of the variables instead of the original axis.

It applies the following formula:

Mahalanobis Distance Formula


  • x is the observation to find its distance;
  • m is the mean of the observations;
  • S is the Covariance Matrix.


The Covariance represents the direction of the relationship between two variables (i.e. positive, negative or zero), so it shows the strength of how one variable is related to the changes of the others.


Consider this 6x3 dataset, in which each row represents a sample, and each column represents a feature of the given sample:

matrix represents data

First, we need to create a Covariance Matrix of the features of each sample, and that's why we set the parameter rowvar to False in the numpy.cov function, so each column now represents a variable:

covariance consideration

covariance_matrix = np.cov(data, rowvar=False)  
# data here looks similar to the above table# in the picture

Next, we find the Inverse of the Covariance Matrix:

inv_covariance_matrix = np.linalg.inv(covariance_matrix)

But before proceeding, we should check, as mentioned above, if the matrix and its inverse are Symmetric and Positive Definite. We use for this Cholesky Decomposition Algorithm, which, fortunately, is already implemented in numpy.linalg.cholesky:

    if np.allclose(A, A.T):
            returnTrueexcept np.linalg.LinAlgError:

Then, we find the mean m of the variables on each feature (shall I say dimension) and save them in an array like this:

vars_mean = []
for i inrange(data.shape[0]):
    # axis=0 means eachcolumnin the 2D array


Note that I repeated each row just to avail of matrix subtraction as will be shown next.

Next, we find x - m (i.e. the differential), but since we already have the vectorized vars_mean, all we need to do is:

diff = data - vars_mean
# here we subtract the mean of feature# from each feature of each example


Finally, apply the formula like this:

md = []
for i in range(len(diff)):

Note the followings:

  • The dimension of the inverse of the covariance matrix is: number_of_features x number_of_features
  • The dimension of the diff matrix is similar to the original data matrix: number_of_examples x number_of_features
  • Thus, each diff[i] (i.e. row) is 1 x number_of_features.
  • So according to the Matrix Multiplication rule, the resulted matrix from diff[i].dot(inv_covariance_matrix) will be 1 x number_of_features; and when we multiply again by diff[i]; numpy automatically considers the latter as a column matrix (i.e. number_of_features x 1); so the final result will become a single value (i.e. no need for transpose).

In order to detect outliers, we should specify a threshold; but since the square of Mahalanobis Distances follow a Chi-square distribution with a degree of freedom = number of feature in the dataset, then we can choose a threshold of say 0.1, then we can use chi2.cdf method from Scipy, like this:

1 - chi2.cdf(square_of_mahalanobis_distances, degree_of_freedom)

So any point that has (1 - chi-squared CDF) that less than or equal the threshold, can be classified as an outlier.

Putting All Together

import numpy as np

defcreate_data(examples=50, features=5, upper_bound=10, outliers_fraction=0.1, extreme=False):
    This method for testing (i.e. to generate a 2D array of data)
    data = []
    magnitude = 4if extreme else3for i inrange(examples):
        if (examples - i) <= round((float(examples) * outliers_fraction)):
            data.append(np.random.poisson(upper_bound ** magnitude, features).tolist())
            data.append(np.random.poisson(upper_bound, features).tolist())
    return np.array(data)

defMahalanobisDist(data, verbose=False):
    covariance_matrix = np.cov(data, rowvar=False)
    if is_pos_def(covariance_matrix):
        inv_covariance_matrix = np.linalg.inv(covariance_matrix)
        if is_pos_def(inv_covariance_matrix):
            vars_mean = []
            for i inrange(data.shape[0]):
            diff = data - vars_mean
            md = []
            for i inrange(len(diff)):

            if verbose:
                print("Covariance Matrix:\n {}\n".format(covariance_matrix))
                print("Inverse of Covariance Matrix:\n {}\n".format(inv_covariance_matrix))
                print("Variables Mean Vector:\n {}\n".format(vars_mean))
                print("Variables - Variables Mean Vector:\n {}\n".format(diff))
                print("Mahalanobis Distance:\n {}\n".format(md))
            return md
            print("Error: Inverse of Covariance Matrix is not positive definite!")
        print("Error: Covariance Matrix is not positive definite!")

    if np.allclose(A, A.T):
            returnTrueexcept np.linalg.LinAlgError:

data = create_data(15, 3, 10, 0.1)
print("data:\n {}\n".format(data))

MahalanobisDist(data, verbose=True)


 [[ 12   7   9]
 [  9  16   7]
 [ 14  11  10]
 [ 14   5   5]
 [ 12   8   7]
 [  8   8  10]
 [  9  14   8]
 [ 12  12  10]
 [ 18  10   6]
 [  6  12  11]
 [  4  12  15]
 [  5  13  10]
 [  8   9   8]
 [106 116  97]
 [ 90 116 114]]

Covariance Matrix:
 [[ 980.17142857 1143.62857143 1035.6       ]
 [1143.62857143 1385.11428571 1263.12857143]
 [1035.6        1263.12857143 1170.74285714]]

Inverse of Covariance Matrix:
 [[ 0.03021777 -0.03563241  0.0117146 ]
 [-0.03563241  0.08684092 -0.06217448]
 [ 0.0117146  -0.06217448  0.05757261]]

Variables Mean Vector:
 [[21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8], [21.8, 24.6, 21.8]]

Variables - Variables Mean Vector:
 [[ -9.8 -17.6 -12.8]
 [-12.8  -8.6 -14.8]
 [ -7.8 -13.6 -11.8]
 [ -7.8 -19.6 -16.8]
 [ -9.8 -16.6 -14.8]
 [-13.8 -16.6 -11.8]
 [-12.8 -10.6 -13.8]
 [ -9.8 -12.6 -11.8]
 [ -3.8 -14.6 -15.8]
 [-15.8 -12.6 -10.8]
 [-17.8 -12.6  -6.8]
 [-16.8 -11.6 -11.8]
 [-13.8 -15.6 -13.8]
 [ 84.2  91.4  75.2]
 [ 68.2  91.4  92.2]]

Mahalanobis Distance:
 [1.3669401667524865, 2.1796331318432967, 0.7470525416547134, 1.6364973119931507, 0.8351423113609481, 0.9128858131134882, 1.397144258271586, 0.35603382066414996, 1.4449501739129382, 0.9668775289588046, 1.490503433100514, 1.4021488309805878, 0.4500345257064412, 3.239353067840299, 3.260149280200771]

Solution 2:

In multivariate data, Euclidean distance fails if there exists covariance between variables (i.e. in your case X, Y, Z). enter image description here

Therefore, what Mahalanobis Distance does is,

  1. It transforms the variables into uncorrelated space.

  2. Make each variables varience equals to 1.

  3. Then calculate the simple Euclidean distance.

We can calculate the Mahalanobis Distance for each data sample as follows,

enter image description here

Here, I have provided the python code and added the comments so that you can understand the code.

import numpy as np

data= np.matrix([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64],[1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 16, 49, 64]])

    covariance_xyz = np.cov(data) # calculate the covarince matrix
    inv_covariance_xyz = np.linalg.inv(covariance_xyz) #take the inverse of the covarince matrix
    xyz_mean = np.mean(data[0]),np.mean(data[1]),np.mean(data[2])
    x_diff = np.array([x_i - xyz_mean[0] for x_i in x]) # take the diffrence between the mean of X variable the sample
    y_diff = np.array([y_i - xyz_mean[1] for y_i in y]) # take the diffrence between the mean of Y variable the sample
    z_diff = np.array([z_i - xyz_mean[2] for z_i in z]) # take the diffrence between the mean of Z variable the sample
    diff_xyz = np.transpose([x_diff, y_diff, z_diff])

    md = []
    for i inrange(len(diff_xyz)):
        md.append(np.sqrt([i]),inv_covariance_xyz),diff_xyz[i]))) #calculate the Mahalanobis Distance for each data samplereturn md

    MD = MahalanobisDist(data)
    threshold = np.mean(MD) * 1.5# adjust 1.5 accordingly
    outliers = []
    for i inrange(len(MD)):
        if MD[i] > threshold:
            outliers.append(i) # index of the outlierreturn np.array(outliers)


Hope this helps.





Solution 3:

As @Yahya pointed out earlier, in order to calculate the MD the cov .matrix should be positive and semi-definite. These are necessary conditions in order to take the inverse of the cov. matrix . The inverse of the matrix uses the reciprocal of the determinant of the matrix. The fact that you may be unable to calculate the determinant for the matrix may point to deeper problem in the data set itself. It can be because two or more columns in the dataset are correlated . You would be better off removing such pairs before trying to calculate MD. Using Pseudo Inverse can be another alternative.enter image description here

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