A Timeout Decorator Class With Multiprocessing Gives A Pickling Error
Solution 1:
What you are trying to achieve is particularly cumbersome in Windows. The core issue is that when you decorate a function, you shadow it. This happens to work just fine in UNIX due to the fact it uses the fork
strategy to create a new process.
In Windows though, the new process will be a blank one where a brand new Python interpreter is started and loads your module. When the module gets loaded, the decorator hides the real function making it hard to find for the pickle
The only way to get it right is to rely on a trampoline function to be set during the decoration. You can take a look on how is done on pebble
but, as long as you're not doing it for an exercise, I'd recommend to use pebble
directly as it already offers what you are looking for.
from pebble import concurrent
def my_function(var, keyvar=0):
returnvar + keyvarfuture= my_function(1, keyvar=2)
Solution 2:
The only problem You have here is that You tested the decorated function in the main context. Move it out to a different module and it will probably work.
I wrote the wrapt_timeout_decorator what uses wrapt & dill & multiprocess & pipes versus pickle & multiprocessing & queue, because it can serialize more datatypes.
It might look simple at first, but under windows a reliable timeout decorator is quite tricky - You might use mine, its quite mature and tested :
On Windows the main module is imported again (but with a name != 'main') because Python is trying to simulate a forking-like behavior on a system that doesn't support forking. multiprocessing tries to create an environment similar to Your main process by importing the main module again with a different name. Thats why You need to shield the entry point of Your program with the famous " if name == 'main': "
import lib_foo
def some_module():
def main():
# here the subprocess stops loading, because __name__ is NOT '__main__'
if __name__ = '__main__':
This is a problem of Windows OS, because the Windows Operating System does not support "fork"
You can find more information on that here:
Workaround for using __name__=='__main__' in Python multiprocessing
Since main.py is loaded again with a different name but "main", the decorated function now points to objects that do not exist anymore, therefore You need to put the decorated Classes and functions into another module. In general (especially on windows) , the main() program should not have anything but the main function, the real thing should happen in the modules. I am also used to put all settings or configurations in a different file - so all processes or threads can access them (and also to keep them in one place together, not to forget typing hints and name completion in Your favorite editor)
The "dill" serializer is able to serialize also the main context, that means the objects in our example are pickled to "main.lib_foo", "main.some_module","main.main" etc. We would not have this limitation when using "pickle" with the downside that "pickle" can not serialize following types:
functions with yields, nested functions, lambdas, cell, method, unboundmethod, module, code, methodwrapper, dictproxy, methoddescriptor, getsetdescriptor, memberdescriptor, wrapperdescriptor, xrange, slice, notimplemented, ellipsis, quit
additional dill supports:
save and load python interpreter sessions, save and extract the source code from functions and classes, interactively diagnose pickling errors
To support more types with the decorator, we selected dill as serializer, with the small downside that methods and classes can not be decorated in the main context, but need to reside in a module.
You can find more information on that here: Serializing an object in __main__ with pickle or dill
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