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How To Find And Connect The Maximum Points From Each Contour Line

How can I find the maximum points of the curves generated by the contour plot, and then connect them? import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np t = np.arange(263, 383, 0.

Solution 1:

  • Extract the index, idx, of the maximum value from each row of array XA
  • Use idx on T and XA to extract the x-axis and y-axis values.
    • Indexing the array is slightly faster than using y = XA.max(axis=1) to get the max XA values.
  • The shape of XA is (8, 120000), so there are 8 maximums. I'm not certain why only 7 contour lines are showing.
    • Use x[:-1] and y[:-1] to not plot the last point.
# get index of max value for each row
idx = np.argmax(XA, axis=1)
# use idx to get the x-axis values from T that correspond to max XA
x = np.take_along_axis(T, np.expand_dims(idx, axis=-1), axis=-1).squeeze(axis=-1)
# use idx to get the max y-axis values from XA
y = np.take_along_axis(XA, np.expand_dims(idx, axis=-1), axis=-1).squeeze(axis=-1)

# plot
plt.plot(x, y, marker='o')  # plot the points

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