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How To Read Keyboard Input One Char At A Time With A Timer With Python

I am trying to figure out how to create a little Python script that can take the following parameters: prompt - string time to wait as an integer number of characters before stop

Solution 1:

Ok, I have achieved it :D.

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport sys
from select import select

    timeout = 3
    prompt = '> '
    max_chars = 3# set raw input mode if relevant# it is necessary to make stdin not wait for entertry:
        import tty, termios

        prev_flags = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno())
    except ImportError:
        prev_flags = None

    buf = ''

    whileTrue: # main loop
        rl, wl, xl = select([sys.stdin], [], [], timeout)
        if rl: # some input
            c =
            # you will probably want to add some special key support# for example stop on enter:if c == '\n':

            buf += c
            # auto-output is disabled as well, so you need to print it

            # stop if N charactersiflen(buf) >= max_chars:
            # timeoutbreak# restore non-raw inputif prev_flags isnotNone:
        termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSADRAIN, prev_flags)
    # and print newline

    # now buf contains your input# ...if __name__ == "__main__":

It's fairly incomplete; I just put a few values to test it. A few words of explanation:

  1. You need to switch the tty to 'raw' mode — otherwise you wouldn't be able to get input without it being confirmed by enter key,
  2. in raw mode the typed in characters are no longer output by default — you need to output them yourself if you want user to see what he is typing,
  3. you probably want to handle special keys like enter and backspace — I've added enter handling here. Maybe you could reuse parts of curses for that,
  4. I've assumed the timeout is '3 seconds after last key'. If you want timeout for whole process, I think the easiest way would be to get current time, increase it by timeout (i.e. get end_time), and then pass end_time - current_time in seconds as timeout to select(),
  5. I've made unix-specific imports optional. I don't know whether it will work on Windows correctly, though.

Solution 2:

Okay. This thread is a few years idle, but I spent a good hour exploring this (and related) threads for a clean solution. In the end, I decided to use the tool that already works well: bash's read. Here is an example asking for a power level. The first line in the try block addresses the question at hand (of course, this only works if you are starting your python script from a bash shell.) Here you have 3 seconds to enter up to 3 characters. (The rest of the try block converts to int and makes sure it is in an expected range.)

import os
  pwr=os.popen('read -t 3 -n 3 -p "enter power level: " power; echo ${power:-0}').read().strip()
  if pwr < 0or pwr > 100: raise ValueError("valid power levels [0..100]")
except ValueError as e:
  print"Illegal Power:", e.message

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