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Matlab To Python Translation Of Design Matrix Function

Last year I've written a code in Matlab for a design matrix in linear regression program. It works just fine. Now, I need to translate it to Python and run in Pycharm. I've been at

Solution 1:

Can you try this:

    :param x_train: input vector Nx1
    :param M: polynomial degree 0,1,2,...
    :return: Design Matrix Nx(M+1) for M degree polynomial
    x_train = np.asarray(x_train)
    desm = np.zeros(shape =(len(x_train), M+1))
    for i inrange(0, M+1):
        desm[:,i] = np.power(x_train, i).reshape(x_train.shape[0],)
    return desm

The error comes from incompatible Numpy array dimensions. desm[:,i] has the shape (n,), but the value you are trying to store to it has the shape (n,1), so you need to reshape it to (n,). Also, as GLR mentioned, Python indexing starts at 0 so you need to modify your indices, and function execution stops at the return line, so the pass line is not reached at all.

Solution 2:

I see three mistakes:

  • In Python, the indexing starts in zero.

  • To power all the items of an array, it is possible to use the ** operator.

  • pass does nothing, as it is put after the return statement. The function never reaches this point.

I would try this one:

    :param x_train: input vector Nx1
    :param M: polynomial degree 0,1,2,...
    :return: Design Matrix Nx(M+1) for M degree polynomial
    desm = np.zeros(shape =(len(x_train), M+1))
    for i inrange(0, M+1):
        desm[:,i] = x_train.squeeze() ** (i-1)
    return desm

Solution 3:

You might be interested to know that you can created orthogonal design matrices for polynomial regression using the patsy language and module.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from patsy import dmatrices, dmatrix, demo_data, Poly
>>> data = demo_data("a", "b", "x1", "x2", "y", "z column")
>>> dmatrix('C(x1, Poly)', data)
DesignMatrix with shape (8, 8)
['Intercept', 'C(x1, Poly).Linear', 'C(x1, Poly).Quadratic', 'C(x1, Poly).Cubic', 'C(x1, Poly)^4', 'C(x1, Poly)^5', 'C(x1, Poly)^6', 'C(x1, Poly)^7']
'Intercept' (column 0), 'C(x1, Poly)' (columns 1:8)
(to view full data, use np.asarray(this_obj))
>>> dm = dmatrix('C(x1, Poly)', data)
>>> np.asarray(dm)
array([[ 1.        ,  0.23145502, -0.23145502, -0.43082022, -0.12087344,
         0.36376642,  0.55391171,  0.35846409],
       [ 1.        , -0.23145502, -0.23145502,  0.43082022, -0.12087344,
        -0.36376642,  0.55391171, -0.35846409],
       [ 1.        ,  0.07715167, -0.38575837, -0.18463724,  0.36262033,
         0.32097037, -0.30772873, -0.59744015],
       [ 1.        ,  0.54006172,  0.54006172,  0.43082022,  0.28203804,
         0.14978617,  0.06154575,  0.01706972],
       [ 1.        ,  0.38575837,  0.07715167, -0.30772873, -0.52378493,
        -0.49215457, -0.30772873, -0.11948803],
       [ 1.        , -0.54006172,  0.54006172, -0.43082022,  0.28203804,
        -0.14978617,  0.06154575, -0.01706972],
       [ 1.        , -0.07715167, -0.38575837,  0.18463724,  0.36262033,
        -0.32097037, -0.30772873,  0.59744015],
       [ 1.        , -0.38575837,  0.07715167,  0.30772873, -0.52378493,
         0.49215457, -0.30772873,  0.11948803]])

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