Runtimeerror While Reading Tab Separated Text File Into Pandas Dataframe
Solution 1:
Run your code on the default python interpreter and see if the error persists.It should be a bug with bpython as I am not able to replicate the issue on default python interpreter
Solution 2:
The issue is with your data, the file contains inconsistent number of tabs in each line. After cleaning the data I was able to load the file into Pandas. You need to clean the data and make sure the number of columns in each row are same before loading.
Solution 3:
I had the same issue. What worked for me was to simply comment the incriminated lines in the file indicated by the error. "/home/avadhut/.virtualenvs/avadhut_virtual/lib/python3.5/site-packages/py/_vendored_packages/", line 63
Comment all the following lines:
# eagerload in bypthon to avoid their monkeypatching breaking packagesif'bpython'in sys.modules oreager:formoduleinsys.modules.values():if isinstance(module, ApiModule):module.__dict__
Unfortunatly I have no idea what these lines are supposed to achieve so this dirty correction might induce other problems afterward. Does anyone know?
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