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Hello World Of Sprox With Pyramid - Part 2

I've tried to build the simplest possible form in Sprox using pyramid. # class Allocation: # some fields ... class SproxForm(AddRecordForm): __model__ = Allocation

Solution 1:

I have no idea what your real problem is, but I threw together a little demo to demonstrate how to setup Sprox under Pyramid. It was somewhat painful and uses some idioms that I consider pretty outdated, including requiring Paste, SQLAlchemy < 0.8, Genshi, and ToscaWidgets < 2.0. Hope this helps.

If I had to guess, you aren't adding the middleware to your app.

app = tw.api.make_middleware(
        'toscawidgets.framework' : 'wsgi',
        'toscawidgets.middleware.inject_resources' : True,

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