Kivy Digital Clock Issues
I'm trying to add a digital clock to my Kivy program, it seems to be having trouble. Here is the .py: import kivy kivy.require('1.10.0') from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.u
Solution 1:
I have made a fork of the original kivydigitalclock
here. It should be easier to use than the original. You can add it to your .kv
file just as any other widget. For example, something like:
<ContScreen>:FloatLayoutsize_hint:.1,.1canvas.before:Color:rgba:0,0,0,1Rectangle:pos:self.possize:self.sizeLabel:text:app.timeDigitalClock:pos_hint: {'right':1.0, 'center_y':0.5}
should work. Note that in your main .py
file you will need to include:
from digitalclock.digitalclockimportDigitalClock
(assuming that the
file is in a digitalclock
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