Subprocess.popen With A Unicode Path
Solution 1:
It looks like you're using Windows and Python 2.X. Use os.startfile:
>>>import os>>>os.startfile(u'Pokémon.mp3')
Non-intuitively, getting the command shell to do the same thing is:
>>>import subprocess>>>import locale>>>subprocess.Popen(u'Pokémon.mp3'.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()),shell=True)
On my system, the command shell (cmd.exe) encoding is cp437
, but for Windows programs is cp1252
. Popen
wanted shell commands encoded as cp1252
. This seems like a bug, and it also seems fixed in Python 3.X:
>>>import subprocess>>>subprocess.Popen('Pokémon.mp3',shell=True)
Solution 2:
Your problem can be solved through smart_str function of Django module.
Use this code:
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, smart_unicode
cmd = u'cmd /c "C:\\Pok\xe9mon.mp3"'
smart_cmd = smart_str(cmd)
You can find information on how to install Django on Windows here. You can first install pip and then you can install Django by starting a command shell with administrator privileges and run this command:
pip install Django
This will install Django in your Python installation's site-packages directory.
Solution 3:
>>>['start', u'avión.mp3'.encode('latin1')], shell=True)
There's no need to call cmd
if you use the shell
The correct way to launch an associated program is to use the cmd's start
built-in AFAIK.
My 2c, HIH.
Solution 4:
I think windows uses 16-bit characters, not sure if it's UCS2 or UTF16 or something like that. So I guess that it could have an issue with UTF8.
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