Pygame Collision Code
Solution 1:
Since you are already using pymunk why not use it to detect the collision (instad of pygame as in the other answer).
Basically you need to create and add a pymunk.Shape object defining your goal, set its collision type and add a collision handler between the object and your player ball X.
Something like this should do it (pymunk 5.0 and later):
# Add a new collision type
COLLTYPE_GOAL = 3# Define collision callback function, will be called when X touches Y defgoal_reached(space, arbiter):
print"you reached the goal!"returnTrue# Setup the collision callback function
h = space.add_collision_handler(COLLTYPE_BALL, COLLTYPE_GOAL)
h.begin = goal_reached
# Create and add the "goal"
goal_body = pymunk.Body()
goal_body.position = 100,100
goal = pymunk.Circle(goal_body, 50)
goal.collision_type = COLLTYPE_GOAL
In older versions a handler is set in this way instead:
# Setup the collision callback function
space.add_collision_handler(COLLTYPE_BALL, COLLTYPE_GOAL, goal_reached, None, None, None)
Solution 2:
As I understand it, what you need is to know if sprites are colliding, and then if they are you want to do something. Pygame has a spritecollide function. Here is a wrapper function that makes it a bit easier, it will return True if two sprites are colliding.
sprite1_group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() #this creates a render updates group, as the sprite collide function requires one of its arguments to be a group.
collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(sprite2, sprite1_group, False) #runs spritecollide, specifying the sprite, the group, and the last parameter, which should almost always be false.for other in collisions:
if other != sprite2: #spritecollide registers a sprites collision with itself, so this filters itreturnTrue
now you have a function that can detect collisions, like so:
if collides(sprite1,sprite2)
If you need to handle this event without disrupting your regular code, you can always use threading.
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